Thursday, May 13, 2010

rethinking my idea...

so i've been going to the barn a lot since i've been out of school and after spending so much time with the horses i've been getting really good ideas for sculptures and pictures and all kinds of art! i'm still uncertain as to where i might go with this, but i'm thinking i would be a lot happier doing something with a subject i am already very well educated in and have a real passion for. i've done a little digging on the web and found a few pieces of horses done out of paper (which is still the medium i'm going to be using) and i've been looking up the symbolism of horses in various cultures... anyway here are some pieces that i've found:

Pegasus by Polly Verity
Silver wire and acid-free tissue paper

i absolutely love this piece! its elegant and delicate, but still has a hard look to it with its sharp angles and geometric cut outs. This is definitely not realistically accurate to a horse's anatomy, actually it looks more canine to me (greyhound anyone?) than anything else, but i'm still able to tell that it is a horse. actually i think that the extreme exaggeration is cool. it reminds me of how i used to draw anime characters way back when. :P i'd love to play with exaggerating the anatomy.

Horse Head Sculpture by Patience (no other name was given...)
paper mache' and acrylic paint

this guy was part of a series of 6 horse head sculptures. this one definitely shows more detail to what a horse is supposed to look like. i like the emotion on the face. haha, actually horses make the funniest faces sometimes so this piece really makes me smile. if i hadn't of been searching for paper sculptures i would have thought this was stone! i like how even though it is paper it looks like a completely different medium.


Apollo by Heather Jansch
driftwood and bronze

ummm.... WOW!!! ok ok, i know its not paper, but i figure wood is close enough right? i think i've found a new favorite artist to add to my list! its almost crazy to think that that is not a real horse! i was fooled when i was searching through pictures. all of her pieces are life size and so realistic! she truly captures the beauty of a horse in motion. i would really like to incorporate this graceful movement into my pieces.

now that i've got some direction i'm hoping to develop a good solid thesis out of this. i'm going to look deeping into the symbolism of horses and will come up with something other than 'i like horses so i'm gonna make me some." which is what it is so far. haha :P

anyway, i hope everyone is having a great summer and is coming up with some killer ideas for senior sem. :D